We’ve all seen the movie “King Kong”, but how much do we actually know about these mighty primates? These enlarged monkeys generally mind their own business, and you will usually find them roaming the ground or nearby waters. Residing in the luscious forests of Africa, gorillas are one of the more fascinating animals we get …
Bobcats live all across the United States, and yet many of us don’t know that much about them. These beautiful creatures are quite shy and won’t often show themselves to humans. Bobcats are part of the cat family and even look similar to house cats in some aspects. However, they are much more powerful and …
Ladybugs are tiny, adorable insects that everybody loves to find (because they bring good luck and all). Although most commonly recognized as small red bugs with black dots, ladybugs actually come in a variety of patterns and colors. This includes bright colors and stripe markings or no markings at all, so keep an eye out …
Some people fear snakes while others love them. However you feel about them, one thing’s for sure, they’re a unique addition to our world. Their evolution is fascinating and their existence bewildering. From the ability to clone themselves to replacing parts of their body, snakes are a continued scientific marvel. Here’s what we know about …
Irresistibly soft and fluffy with their floppy bunny years and twitching bunny noses, many people can’t resist lovable rabbits. Throughout the years, the cute creature named rabbit who loves to live in woods, grasslands, forests, wetlands and deserts has been a symbol of fertility. Some people hunt them down for food, some keep them as …
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? And why did the chicken cross the road? Are probably two of the most asked and contemplated menial questions today. But nobody has stopped to think that maybe these little guys just want to live their lives without having their motives questioned. Chicken questions aside, there are …
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals. This is one of the well-known cheetah facts that is sometimes disputed. Ok, we know that the Peregrine Falcon can fly at speeds of over 200 miles per hour, but the cheetah is still the fastest animal moving over the ground, and is twice as fast as the fastest …
Only big cats (Panthera) can roar, and you may be wondering what makes panthers so special. After all, why is it that panthers can roar, but other animals can’t? It turns out that big cats have a ligament in their voice box that replaces the epihyal bone. This ligament, a tough cartilage, can be extended. When …