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Editorial Policy

At The Dog Snobs, we pride ourselves on publishing accurate, helpful information for our readers. We do not use any form of artificial intelligence and instead use that old method, people, to write our articles. We are very small – I am the only permanent employee and own the place! But I use some fantastic freelancers as writers.

New Interesting Facts Statistics

Our Editorial Process

The first step is figuring out what the article should be about. This is always done by me using google and keyword research tools. This way, I find out the topics people are interested in and where the current information isn’t that great.

Once I have chosen the topic, I look at who is currently on page one on google for the topic and see what we can do to improve the content available. I let the writers know the topic area, our unique bent and how many words it should be to provide adequate information for readers.

I use a freelance agency for the outsourcing of writing. The agency has pre-vetted all of its writers. They brief the writer. Once the writer feels the article is ready, the agency then proofreads the article and provides feedback to the writer.

Once the agency feels the article is ready, they send it to me. I then review the article, links and photos. Once I am happy with the content, I will take it live on the site.

Our Ongoing Editorial Process

As the site owner, I review what comments have been made on articles several times a week and then adjust or reply accordingly. We are very open about our contact email addresses, so I often receive emails directly from people providing information or querying information in one of my articles. I directly address these.

Once a month, I use website tools to check my site for broken links and fix them. I aim to have every article on the site “touched” once a year to see if anything has changed or if things have moved on and more information is needed.

At New Interesting Facts, we aim to provide the best quality, original content to our readers to answer their queries or inform them. We don’t charge our readers in any way to access our content and instead rely on income from advertising. We are a small team, but we have processes in place to do our best to ensure all information is correct.

If you have any queries about our editorial process and policies please email us.
