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19 Things We Shouldn’t Fear as We Get Older

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As we grow older, it’s common for our fears to grow alongside us and sometimes hold us back from enjoying our lives. Many of these worries come from not knowing what will happen as we age.

We are also influenced by cultural beliefs about aging and how we were exposed to the elderly in our younger years. Plus, the media (social and news) can also make older folks unnecessarily fearful about their health and vitality- often painting a picture of disaster, decline, and disease.

Aging will differ for everyone- so making assumptions is never a good way to approach each passing year. Aging is just a number; it doesn’t have to be scary!

Let’s explore 20 common fears associated with aging and why you shouldn’t worry about them.

1. Aging is Lonely

Upset bearded alone man leaning at window and looking through it
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While some people may experience isolation, especially those who can’t move around much, not every older person feels this way.

Many older adults lead fulfilling lives, surrounded by friends, family, and community, participating in activities they enjoy. Loneliness can affect anyone at any age. Surprisingly, a study shows that young people often have more lonely days than older people.

2. Declining Health

Senior couple in kitchen making healthy salad
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We believe that old age is synonymous with poor physical health, but this is not entirely true. While some illnesses are more common as you age, like osteoporosis and inflammatory diseases, they can be managed well managed with the right habits and medical guidance.

By eating well, staying active, and surrounding yourself with positivity- you can do your best to avoid or manage any disease.

3. Reduced Mental Agility

Three generations of family playing jigsaw puzzle game
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Getting older doesn’t mean losing all cognitive functions. While some cognitive decline is normal, it doesn’t mean folks can’t continue doing everything they love.

Instead, old age is the best time to indulge in reading, solving puzzles, and learning. It can boost brainpower and help seniors stay sharp.

4. Loss of Sleep

An Old woman Wearing a muted color old fashioned Dress, Wearing a wool blanket on her, Eye Glasses in her Hand and Reading a Book
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Don’t worry about getting older just because you’ve heard that sleep needs decrease with age, especially if you love to sleep. There are horror stories about insomnia and not being able to sleep that aren’t necessarily associated with aging.

The truth is that older adults still need about 7-9 hours of sleep, just like younger people. While your sleep patterns might change as you age (like going to bed earlier and waking up earlier), you won’t suddenly stop sleeping altogether.

5. Poor Memory

old man thinking
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According to Forbes, 44% of individuals fear aging because of cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. While the risk of memory loss increases with age, such as older people occasionally forgetting their keys or doctor’s appointments, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s dementia. These are signs of mild forgetfulness, common as we age.

Not all older people experience Alzheimer’s. Currently, about 1 in 9 people are affected by this disease.

6. Not Being Able to Stay Physically Active

Senior man suffering from back pain
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Feeling your joints creak more and breathing harder during exercise doesn’t mean you should stop moving. Staying active as you age is possibly the best thing you can do for your body.

Active seniors have better mobility, strength, and mental clarity. It’s never too late to start—even light, regular activity makes a big difference. Finding activities that are fun and feel good is key. Group exercise classes are a great way to exercise and be part of a community, too.

7. Not Being Able to Drive

Drive an old red car for two seniors man and woman
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Driving abilities can vary from person to person, regardless of age. Some older adults may need to make adjustments, like driving during the day or avoiding busy roads, but that doesn’t mean they should give up driving. So, don’t worry about aging making you a bad driver. As long as you’re careful and responsible, you can still enjoy the freedom of the open road.

If driving isn’t an option, this doesn’t have to keep you homebound, either. There are plenty of options for getting where you want to be (buses, taxis, Uber, senior buses, etc.).

8. Too Old to Learn Something New

old woman using a computer mouse
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As we age, our wisdom grows, too. Our brains are amazing and can keep learning and growing throughout our lives. Older adults often have more knowledge and insight from life experiences, and learning new skills can further enhance their understanding.

It may take longer to pick up new skills as we age, but it’s still possible. The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” just isn’t true. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

9. Losing Independence

Old Man Using Laptop, Laying on Exercise Mat
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Becoming older doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need to rely heavily on others for your daily needs. Many people maintain a high level of independence by staying active, making healthy lifestyle choices, and utilizing technology to make life easier and safer.

On the other, there is nothing wrong in seeking help when needed. Plenty of great services (for meals, medical care, driving, cleaning, etc.) available can help you where you need it most, while keeping you as independent as possible.

10. Loss of Decision-Making Abilities

Old man giving advise his son
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While you might think old age will rob you of your ability to make good decisions, it’s not true. Older people are more skilled decision-makers because of all the wisdom they’ve gained. They might seem slow, but they’re using all their knowledge and weighing their options.

They should continue to do so as long as they can still make important decisions about health and finances.

11. No Intimacy

old couple tongues out selfie happy
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According to a study, people might see changes in their relationships and what intimacy means to them as they age. But that does not mean that older people can’t have any sex life. Another study found that age might affect how active someone is sexually, but not necessarily how much they desire it.

There is no right or wrong way to approach intimacy with aging. It’s up to each individual (and couple to find what works best for them).

12. Becoming a Burden on Family

sad old couple at a park bench fall colors
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This worry is common, but families help and support one another regardless of age. Express your concerns openly, but remember that you are a source of wisdom and connection that your family values.

It can be hard to lean on our loved ones in a society that values independence. But that is what they’re there for, after all. It shouldn’t be a fear to ask for help when needed.

13. Change in Appearance

old man on the phone texting at a game of chess
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As we age, it is natural for our appearance to change. Wrinkles may appear, hair may turn grey or fall out, and our bodies may take on different shapes. However, this does not mean we are any less beautiful than before.

Being attractive is about confidence and self-care more than anything else. Take care of your health, dress in ways that make you feel good, and recognize that there is beauty in wisdom.

14. Not Being Able to Travel

Selfie, hiking and portrait of old man on mountain for outdoor adventure, Retirement, traveling and happy senior male take picture on hike, trekking and summer holi
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Traveling doesn’t need to be tiring or uncomfortable because you’re older. With some extra planning, you can jet off almost as smoothly as you used to.

Nowadays, many travel companies focus on older adults, providing flexible schedules and places to stay that make exploring the world doable. Perhaps the mode of pace of travel will change, but there are plenty of fun ways to see the world at any age.

15. Financial Concerns

stressed couple with savings confused poor no money
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Worrying about finances is legitimate, but many resources can help you manage your finances as you age. With good financial planning and staying informed on retirement benefits, you can have enough savings to put your mind at ease.   

Whether it’s saving more, investing better, or spending withing a better budget- professional guidance can give you peace of mind.

16. Losing Control of Life

confused stress old woman sitting on her bed
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It’s natural to fear a loss of control, but age doesn’t have to bring that. Making decisions about your health care, estate planning, and daily life helps you maintain control.

Your preferences and expectations will continue to be valued, regardless of age. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

17. Unfulfilled Dreams

Happy smiling elder man tourist ready for journey, looking for direction.
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Fear that old age is approaching with many remaining things on your bucket list? You are always young enough to achieve your dreams. You just have to get started.

Whether traveling, writing a book, or skydiving, dreams know no age limit. Studies show that people are happier and more fulfilled when they engage in activities they love. Start following your dreams and reduce those regrets.

18. Not Having Reasons to Live

Father and son with grandfather swinging on the swing in the park outdoor, family relationship grandfather and grandson
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As we age, friends start to die, families get busy, and some older folks worry about where they fit in and what they have to live for. Priorities and how we interact with the world may change, but this isn’t necessarily bad.

On the contrary, as you age, you may find more things to live for, whether it’s seeing grandkids grow up, realizing once-out-of-reach goals, or simply enjoying the beauty of a life well-lived. 

19. Aging Itself

happy old man gray beard and glasses
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Aging might seem scary, but it’s a privilege. Think about all the things you’ve seen and experienced in your life. Despite the challenges like crime, pollution, and stress, every day you’re alive is a gift.

Some people don’t even get to live as long as you have. So, instead of fearing aging, take it as an opportunity to cherish each moment.

14 Tough Parts About Getting Older No One Shares

old man with a helmet and knee brace exercising outside
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Some people celebrate the first grey hair and the first wrinkle, while others are horrified at the first sign of aging and do all they can to eliminate it. The tell-tale signs of aging are met with varied reactions, but they all indicate one thing—no one will be left by this aging train.

14 Tough Parts About Getting Older No One Shares

17 Things We Like Less and Less as We Get Older

old man with glasses grumpy serious black and white
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Humans are a lot like trees; we shed off parts of ourselves as we grow older. We lose what we once thought was deeply ingrained in us and acquire new habits and thinking patterns befitting our new age and wisdom. 

17 Things We Like Less and Less as We Get Older

17 Insane Things That Were Acceptable for Children in the 1960s

black and white photo vintage kids on a slide
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Many of the behaviors that were deemed ordinary for children in the 1960s would be mortifying to people today. If parents from the ’60s were to raise their children in the same manner in today’s world, they might find social services knocking on their doors. As time progresses, so do parenting methods and the level of supervision and exposure provided to children.

17 Insane Things That Were Acceptable for Children in the 1960s


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