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15 Things We Regret from Our Younger Years

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As we age and gain experiences and wisdom, we confront two possible outcomes: contentment with our choices or regret over those decisions. Mistakes are an inherent aspect of life, and it’s rare for anyone to have zero regrets.

Some of our most profound lessons often stem from experiences we wish had never happened. People of all ages, particularly our elders, might have a few things they wish had gone differently from their past. While they may have learned something from these bad experiences in the end, was it worth it? Not always.

What do the older people today wish they did differently? Users on an online forum share their biggest regrets.

1. Not Enjoying Life

man having regrets
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It seems like the cliché of clichés, but you only live once. Most people who didn’t have much fun when they were young regret “not living” as much as they could have.

One internet user mentioned not knowing how fast life would pass and not taking the time to really enjoy it.

2. Not Taking Risks

White bearded old man in budget planning concept
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The big “what if” has kept many people from taking risks in life, and it seems this is regrettable. Many older people regret not taking more chances or pursuing their passions when they are younger.

So, how do we avoid these scenarios? Make the jump; you’ll regret it more if you don’t (what’s the worst that could happen?).

3. Wanting to Grow Up Too Fast

Children Eating simple sandwiches during lunch at the school
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You may have heard it said that adulting is a scam, but many young people, especially teenagers, can’t wait to grow up. The grownups, however, regret not enjoying being young for longer.

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Embracing our current era is a way to avoid this common regret.

4. Not Wearing Sunscreen

A mother applying Sunscreen on her daughter's Face
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We tend to forget that our skin will not be smooth and wrinkle-free forever and shun sunscreen.

Many older person who didn’t make sunscreen part of their daily skin-care routine regret it. Now, they’re dealing with extra wrinkles, age spots, and moles from all those sunburns.

5. Caring What People Think

Unhappy Woman Receiving Online Bullying
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Many people spend a huge chunk of their years disabled by what others think of them. Those who have gone ahead of us testify that caring too much about what people think of them is wasted energy and is highly regretted. It’s better to focus on aligning your life with what is most important, and forget the rest.

Thanks to social media, it’s even easier to fall into this trap these days. Thus, it’s even more imperative to tune out the noise and focus on the opinions that matter.

6. Not Setting Boundaries

cheating couple caught in bed guilty man
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One internet user regrets not setting clear boundaries and giving people too much leeway, space, and time. This can lead to many people taking advantage without repercussions.

Some people will take your jacket when you offer your shirt. It’s wonderful to draw the boundary lines (with loved ones, co-workers, kids, etc.) and expect them to be obeyed.

7. Focusing Too Much on Work

Business Woman Having Headache Working On Computer
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Work occupies most of many individuals’ lives for many years. Some older individuals regret spending too much time and energy on their careers at the expense of other aspects of life, particularly family life.

Was all that overtime worth the missed baseball games and family dinners? For some, it definitely wasn’t.

8. Not Investing in Relationships

Young couple facing relationship difficulties
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Neglecting relationships with family and friends is a common regret. People may wish they had spent more time nurturing important connections rather than getting caught up in work or other distractions.

In hindsight, older folks realize that their relationships are what’s most important in life and wish they’d spent more time of some of them.

9. Not Prioritizing Health

A Man with mental health issue and a Psychologist holding tissue paper for him
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Some people wish they had adopted healthier habits, such as exercising regularly, eating well, and managing stress. Someday, the body might remind you of your youth choices regarding your health.

Waiting until disease or aches are already present is never a good strategy. Prevention is always a better route.

10. Not Saving or Investing Money

sad old couple at a park bench fall colors
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Money is a very “easy come, easy go” commodity, and your youth’s financial decisions gain more visibility in old age. Financial regrets are common among the older generations. Many often wish they had started saving and investing for long-term financial security.

After all, investing early leads to significantly more compound gains. It’s never to early (or late) to get started saving.

11. Not Pursuing a Learning Opportunity

Side view of a group of studying with each other
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It’s funny how we think we’re too old to learn something new and then grow old and wish we did it when we were younger. Some regret not taking advantage of educational opportunities or continuing their learning beyond formal education.

That skill you think you’re too old for, do it now.

12. Living in Fear

sad man outside thinking depressed
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The advantage of life is we don’t know what’s coming, and it’s also the greatest disadvantage. Regret often arises from not facing fears and stepping outside our comfort zones.

Many wish they had been more courageous in their decisions, whether they were afraid of failure, rejection, or the unknown. Fear can be paralyzing, but it’s worth pushing through.

13. Not Traveling More

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Take that trip; you’ll wish you had. Some people wish they had explored more of the world and experienced different cultures when they had the freedom and flexibility to do so. Many wait too long and then find they no longer have the energy or health to do what they wanted all those years ago.

14. Not Being Present in the Moment

A businessman sitting on the floor depressed and stressed
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Some people regret not fully appreciating and enjoying the present. Some individuals have realized they were too focused on the future or dwelling on the past.

Today’s generation focuses on taking videos of everything instead of enjoying the moment- let’s learn from our elders on this one.

15. Ignoring Personal Passions

confused old man tired at his computer
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With all the piling bills, there seems to be little time for non-essential things like hobbies. However, most older people say neglecting hobbies and personal interests is a source of regret. They wish they had dedicated more time to activities that brought them joy and fulfillment.

Life shouldn’t just be about obligations; make it fun, too!


19 Things You Shouldn’t Fear as You Get Older

sad old woman
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As we grow older, it’s common for our fears to grow alongside us and sometimes hold us back from enjoying our lives. Many of these worries come from not knowing what will happen as we age. The media (social and news) also makes older folks unnecessarily fearful about their health and vitality- often painting a picture of disaster, decline, and disease.

19 Things You Shouldn’t Fear as You Get Older

14 Tough Parts About Getting Older No One Shares

old man with a helmet and knee brace exercising outside
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Some people celebrate the first grey hair and the first wrinkle, while others are horrified at the first sign of aging and do all they can to eliminate it. The tell-tale signs of aging are met with varied reactions, but they all indicate one thing—no one will be left by this aging train.

14 Tough Parts About Getting Older No One Shares

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lazy man on the couch sleeping
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Scared of lagging behind or staying in the same position? Well, let’s talk about it! In this article, we’ll find 12 common traits of unsuccessful people who never do anything with their lives so that you won’t be one of them. 

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