Have you found yourself hitting the snooze button a little too often, sleeping on top of the unfolded laundry so you don’t have to deal with it, or staring at yesterday’s dishes congealing in the sink? Everyone feels lazy sometimes, and you should even embrace it from time to time. But if laziness has become …
“You’re so ADHD!” – a common phrase that most of us have heard at some point (at least in the 90s before it became less PC). But it’s more than just a label. The image that pops into your mind after hearing this diagnosis is usually one of a rambunctious child who can’t sit still …
We’ve all encountered one or two master manipulators in our lives. They can skew any situation, change the narratives, and influence others for personal gain in clever ways so they’re always off the hook, and the situation conveniently leans to their advantage. Understanding the strategies of a master manipulator can help prevent you from falling …
No job is completely stress-free, but if you’ve ever found yourself dreading work, feeling totally drained even after a day off, or questioning your sanity at 2 am after yet another late night at the office, then you’ve probably had a taste of burnout. In today’s unrelenting work culture, burnout isn’t just something you hear …
Thanks to life’s abundance of distractions, many people struggle with a glaring lack of motivation and unmet goals, which all stem from a vicious cycle of a lack of self-discipline. Is there a way to break free and feel more inspired to reach your life’s potential each day? Of course! Anyone trying to regain control …
While blatant jealousy is easy to spot, slyer forms of emotion can be much more crafty and lead to a gradual build-up of resentment. They can subtly affect dynamics and behaviors without anyone immediately noticing, eventually completely degrading relationships. Recognizing the telltale signs of jealousy can help people tackle difficult situations with grace and understanding, …
The glass-half-full analogy seems like an old cliche about optimism, but the people who see the water in their glasses usually end up having a better shot at success. A positive mindset can help you overcome obstacles, build strong relationships, and achieve your personal and professional goals – all with much more enjoyment than the …
Being young was once synonymous with being carefree, but the “young and free” of today aren’t free from stress and anxiety. Statistics reveal that Gen-Z and millennials’ experiences of stress today are significantly more intense and frequent than those of the older generations, and simultaneously, feelings of connectedness to those around them are reduced. What …
Have you ever felt like life’s cruel challenges have pushed you to the brink? You thought life couldn’t test you anymore, and then it does, and you’ve officially reached rock bottom. But here’s the thing – rock bottom is often just the solid foundation you need to bounce back from. At some point, there is …
Anxiety tends to creep in when it feels like there’s no end in sight to your ever-growing to-do list, which is common for most of us these days. No matter how many things you check off the list, more things just take their place. In our busy, world that’s a constant competition of who can …