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18 Habits That Needlessly Waste Most of Our Day

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Our daily routine is often filled with habits that may seem productive at first glance but actually waste a significant amount of our time- leaving us wondering where the time went. Then there are those bad habits that we know are unproductive, yet we continue to do them out of routine or laziness.

A 2022 study shows that people waste 2.9 hours a day at work. After work hours, people often spend excessive time on technology-related habits after work hours, from social media scrolling to binge-watching television shows.

These habits hinder our productivity and add unnecessary stress and chaos to our lives. They can also affect our relationships when we don’t have as much time to spend with our loved ones. This article will discuss 18 common habits that waste a large chunk of our day and offer solutions to break them.

1. Attempts at Multi-tasking

Busy Young female employee in conflicting priorities concept
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Multi-tasking is often seen as a desirable skill, but it actually causes more harm than good. Constantly switching between tasks not only slows down our productivity but also decreases the quality of our work.

Instead of juggling multiple tasks at once, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention. You’ll be surprised by how much more efficient and effective you become.

2. Constantly Checking Emails

unmotivated frustrated woman at her computer
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We’ve all been guilty of checking our emails every few minutes, even when we’re in the middle of an important task. This habit breaks our concentration and prevents us from completing our work on time.

Instead, schedule specific times throughout the day to check your email and stick to it. This will help you stay organized and avoid wasting time on unnecessary emails.

3. Procrastination

Boy Watching at Hour Glass
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Procrastination is a common habit that plagues many individuals. We often put off important tasks until the last minute, causing unnecessary stress and potentially subpar work.

To break this habit, create a schedule or to-do list for each day and prioritize your tasks accordingly. This will help you stay on track and prevent procrastination.

4. Perfectionism

A Bored and tired Employee Sitting in his Office
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While having high standards for our work is important, constantly striving for perfection can be counterproductive. It often leads to spending excessive time on minor details and can even hinder us from completing tasks when we feel completely frozen or overwhelmed.

Instead, focus on doing your best rather than achieving perfection. Remember that sometimes good enough and finished is better than perfect.

5. Mindless Social Media Scrolling

jealous friend on her phone
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Social media can be a great way to stay connected, but it can also be a major time-waster. Many people mindlessly scroll through their feeds for hours on end without even realizing it.

To break this habit, set specific times throughout the day to check your social media and stick to it. You can also consider deleting certain apps or using productivity apps that limit your screen time.

6. Meetings Without Clear Objectives

A depressed employee who is being ignored during a meeting happening in a meeting room
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Meetings are necessary for communication and collaboration, but they can quickly become a waste of time if no clear objectives are set beforehand.

To make meetings more efficient, ensure there is a clear agenda and purpose for each one. This will help keep discussions focused and prevent them from dragging on for too long.

7. Multitasking While on the Phone

Young blonde woman smiling confident talking on the smartphone
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Talking on the phone can seem like an excellent opportunity to multitask, but it often leads to incomplete tasks and miscommunication. It is important to give the person on the other end of the line your attention.

Instead of multitasking, schedule a specific time to make phone calls and focus solely on the conversation at hand.

8. Being Distracted by Technology

happy man on his phone businessman
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Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives, but it can also be a major distraction. Constant notifications and alerts can easily pull us away from our work.

To avoid being constantly distracted, turn off notifications for non-essential apps and consider using productivity apps that limit your screen time.

9. Skipping Breaks

bored man at work yawning tired
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Skipping breaks in an attempt to get more work done may seem productive, but it actually decreases our overall productivity and can lead to burnout. Regular breaks allow us to rest and recharge, leading to better focus and efficiency when we return to work.

In fact, focusing on tasks in blocks has been shown to improve productivity significantly.

10. Lack of Prioritization

Budget Creating by Girl
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Without clear priorities, we can easily waste time on unimportant tasks and neglect those needing our attention. Prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance will help with focus and ensure that important tasks are completed on time.

Consider using a task management system or a simple to-do list to help you keep track of your priorities.

11. Poor Time Management

A man checking time on watch
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Poor time management often leads to rushing through tasks, missing deadlines, and feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to schedule your time effectively and allocate enough time for each task.

You can use a planner or calendar to help you stay organized and ensure enough time for all your tasks.

12. Constantly Saying Yes

Excited music fans up the front, Happy girls and boys Clapping
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Being a people pleaser and constantly saying yes to every request can lead to a never-ending to-do list and feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your tasks and well-being.

13. Skipping a Consistent Bedtime

Beautiful young woman lying down in bed and sleeping. Do not Get Enough Sleep
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Consistent bedtimes are important for maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, which directly impacts our productivity and overall well-being. Skipping or inconsistent bedtimes can lead to fatigue, lack of focus, and decreased productivity. Ditch the brain fog and prioritize sleep over late-night work, mindless scrolling, or binge-watching TV shows and movies.

14. Not Taking Time to Exercise

strong woman empowered
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Exercise not only has physical benefits but also has been proven to increase energy levels, improve mood, and boost productivity. Making time for exercise in your daily routine can help you stay focused and alert throughout the day.

Without exercise, sleep, and other self-care practices, our productivity can suffer and lots of time going through the motions without much accomplishment.

15. Starting the Day Distracted

tired man sitting on his unmade bed with a suit and shoes near him stressed
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Starting the day with a chaotic and distracted mindset can set the tone for the rest of the day. Instead, take some time in the morning to plan your day, meditate, or engage in a calming activity. This is a much better alternative to waking up late, running around the house stressed or wasting time in the morning doing mindless activities.

Starting off on a productive note, you can set yourself up for success and avoid wasting time later.

16. Distracting Backgrounds

Happy Couple Sitting At Home in the Living Room Watching TV
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Similar to multitasking, a busy and distracting background can easily pull our attention away from the task at hand. Whether trying to work or read in front of the TV while others are having a discussion or with loud music playing in the background, it’s important to eliminate distractions and create a more focused environment.

Consider finding a quiet space or using noise-canceling headphones to help you concentrate on your work.

17. Doing Things Out of Expectation or Pressure

A man and Woman In Office, Woman is Arguing on something, Man is Sad
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When we do things out of obligation, pressure from others, or simply to meet expectations, we may not be working towards our own goals and priorities. This can lead to feeling unfulfilled and wasting time on tasks that don’t align with our values.

Do you really have to go to that birthday party or spend every weekend shopping for items to keep up with the Joneses? Probably not. Prioritize your own goals and values to make the most of your time.

18. Lack of Delegation

stress woman screaming at her office overwhelmed office to-do list
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Trying to do everything ourselves can lead to burnout and wasted time on tasks that others could do more efficiently. Learning to let go of control and delegate tasks to others can free up our time and energy for more important responsibilities.

Delegation also allows team members to develop their skills and take ownership of their work, ultimately leading to better productivity for the entire team. It’s important to trust in the capabilities of others and remember that we don’t have to do everything ourselves.

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lazy man on the couch sleeping
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12 Traits of Unsuccessful People Who Never Do Anything with Their Lives

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old man with a helmet and knee brace exercising outside
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frustrated man in debt money
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