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11 Ways Constant Complaining is Ruining Our Lives

11 Ways Constant Complaining is Ruining Our Lives

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Though a minor rant might seem harmless, incorporating constant complaining into your life can unleash a torrent of negative emotions and potentially lead to depressive thoughts. On places like social media threads and forums, it seems everyone has their two cents of negativity to add, making it feel normal to be constantly critical and complaining.

We get it. In a world of suffering, it is tempting to complain- but at what cost to your mental health? Even though complaining might seem like the default option or a way to “blow off steam”, you don’t have to immerse yourself in it, and here are the 11 reasons why.

1. It’s A Measure Of Immaturity

stressed man at this computer desk
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Growing up sometimes means finally accepting that sometimes, things will not go as we want them to, and that’s OK. Constant complaining shows we have an immature way of looking at and reacting to things. Adults can learn to recognize that there are better ways to solve problems than complaining.

2. It Attracts Negativity

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Your energy and actions profoundly impact the energy you attract from the world. If you consistently sow the seeds of constant whining and negativity, you’ll find that the world often mirrors this negativity back to you, sometimes even doubling it.

When you radiate joy and positivity, it’s reflected back to you. Which would you prefer?

3. It Keeps You From Seeing The Full Picture

Upset Girl
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Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but complaining about a situation keeps you from seeing the full picture and appreciating that things could be worse.

Learn to have a “but” in every negative thing you see, and some positives will show too. Keep an open mind.

4. Complaining Robs You Of Joy

Girl in restaurant had been expecting a reasonable price,
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You can’t see what is good in life when you’re busy complaining about everything that’s going wrong in your life. There are people, things, and nature that can help you feel more joyful even in the midst of a bad situation, but you have to look up from the assumed despair and appreciate it.

5. Complaining Creates More Complainers

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When people consistently hear you complain, it rubs off on them. Within no time, you will be surrounded by a community of complainers, with no one able to show others the light.

Be the person who shows others that life can be beautiful even when messy, not the one who creates more grumbling.

6. Complaining Negatively Changes Your Thinking Pattern

tired man sitting on his unmade bed with a suit and shoes near him stressed
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Your brain is a classic example of “garbage in garbage out”; it will give you back what you feed it. Positivity has to be cultivated, and persistent complaining trains your brain against positivity.

You automatically become a pessimist and may see negativity even when it’s really not there.

7. It Decreases Your Problem-Solving Ability

Confused businessman thinking in his office
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Complaining becomes a habitual coping mechanism that prevents you from actively seeking solutions or taking constructive actions to address the issues you’re complaining about.

Instead of problem-solving, you become stuck in a cycle of venting without progress.

8. Complaining Drains Your Energy

tired man at this computer exhausted
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Being an incessant whiner takes a lot of mental and emotional energy.

Every ranting episode leaves you feeling drained and exhausted, making focusing on more productive and enjoyable aspects of life difficult.

9. You Miss Opportunities

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How will you see new opportunities if you’re focused on all the negative aspects of situations? Complaining will limit your perspective and cause you to overlook potential opportunities for growth, learning, or positive change.

Even your personal and professional development will be hindered.

10. It Strains Relationships

couple in the living room frowning sad silent treatment
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People will be ready to listen to you rant initially but soon get tired of it and withhold their support when they perceive that you are chronically negative.

Excessive complaining can wear on the patience of your friends, family, and colleagues. Your relationships will get strained as people may become less inclined to engage with you.

11. It Affects Your Mental Health

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Protecting your mental health should be a priority, but prolonged exposure to negativity can contribute to stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Constant mulling over your problems, real and imagined, will heighten your stress levels, and your mental health will pay the price.

Complaining lowers your quality of life; train yourself to appreciate and understand rather than complain. It can be a hard habit to break, but it’s worth it.


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lazy man on the couch sleeping
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