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12 Best Next Steps After Hitting Rock Bottom

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Have you ever felt like life’s ruthless challenges have pushed you to the brink? You thought life couldn’t push you any harder, and then it does, and you’ve officially reached rock bottom. But here’s the thing – rock bottom is often just the solid foundation you need to bounce back.

When you think your life can’t get any worse, it’s the perfect time to stop, re-evaluate, and find your way back up. It’s easier said than done, but there’s nowhere else to go but up. Let’s explore 12 simple yet powerful ways to persevere through tough times and emerge stronger.

1. Perspective Power

Calm beautiful businesswoman practicing yoga at work
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How we see our challenges affects how we feel. According to mindfulness experts, treating yourself like a friend and changing your thoughts can make a difference. Instead of thinking problems are forever, remind yourself they’re temporary and that you control your future.

You’ve overcome tough times before and will get through this, too. Remember, “it’s just a phase.”

2. Embracing Emotions

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In challenging times, it is suggested to acknowledge and allow yourself to feel, as ignoring emotions can lead to unforeseen consequences for your mental health (pent-up emotions are never good). Giving space for sadness and frustration is crucial for long-term coping, emphasizing the importance of allowing oneself to grieve or process difficult situations. 

3. Practicing Positive Projection

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Positive projection is a meditative coping strategy during tough times. You can spend at least 5 minutes daily focusing on the outcomes you wish to see. The more focused the meditation, the more specific and impactful the accomplishments become, contributing to a more positive life perspective.

4. Letting Go of the Need for Control

Woman with arms raised on the America coastline
Photo Credit: America Coastline

Releasing control in tough situations can often be less damaging than sticking to excessive command, say experts. Recognizing the limits of control is crucial, as trying to manage everything in challenging times may increase stress. Letting go opens us to the wisdom of navigating difficulties with resilience and a lighter emotional load.

5. Finding Meaning and Purpose

woman at her computer happy thinking journaling
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Every life event has a purpose (but we don’t usually realize it until hindsight). Finding the good in experiences lowers stress and boosts mental well-being. Unexpected changes bring flexibility and chances for new opportunities. Personal crises or losses can deepen connections with others who’ve faced similar challenges, creating strength through shared experiences.

6. Leaning into a Healthier Lifestyle 

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In tough moments, developing healthy habits is the basis for a happier, balanced life—no matter what life throws your way. These include physical activity, maintaining good hygiene, budgeting, organizing tasks, and prioritizing activities that bring joy.

7. Connecting With Your Support System

Multiracial group of young friends playing beer pong at a party drinking
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Surround yourself with those who genuinely care and stand by you. A strong support system makes challenges more bearable, providing a space to share feelings. Having caring people in your life has a calming effect, soothing both mind and body and promoting strength in the face of difficulties.

8. Release and Relief

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Having a healthy outlet to express yourself can ease coping. Experts recommend finding ways to share emotions through journaling, affirmations/meditation, talking to a close friend or family member, or practicing self-care. Journaling, in particular, is great for organizing your thoughts and relieving stress, offering a valuable tool for dealing with tough times.

9. Utilizing Your Trusted Coping Tools

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Revisit activities that have brought joy, or use intentional gratitude to uplift the spirit. Breaking down challenges into manageable parts and finding natural, healthy coping techniques for survival can also make the whole situation feel less overwhelming. Tapping into known strategies that helped you in the past empowers you to go through tough situations one step at a time.

10. Consider Therapy

Art therapist and a Male patient Sitting, Patient is making a Painting , Therapist is appreciating his art with both thumbs up
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Seek help from a mental health professional in sorting out feelings and developing effective coping strategies. These professionals offer a safe space where you feel supported, working collaboratively to create actionable plans for navigating challenging times.

11. Seek Inspiration

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Find inspiration to keep going through difficult times. It allows you to discover what gives you motivation, strength, and support to stay strong when things get tough. This might be from a mentor, book, or movie.

Inspiration works as fuel for determination and motivation. It establishes that setbacks are temporary and encourages one to focus on goals despite obstacles.

12. Self-Compassion

couple holding hands in love
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During tough moments, self-compassion offers comfort. It shifts the inner dialogue from self-criticism to a compassionate tone.

It encourages a healthier relationship with oneself, reducing feelings of isolation and building inner strength. 

Ultimately, bouncing back from rock bottom will look different for everyone. Taking it one step at a time and trying any of the abovementioned tools will help you get back to where you want sooner than you realize.

12 Traits of Unsuccessful People Who Never Do Anything with Their Lives

lazy man on the couch sleeping
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Scared of lagging behind or staying in the same position? Well, let’s talk about it! In this article, we’ll find 12 common traits of unsuccessful people who never do anything with their lives so that you won’t be one of them. 

12 Traits of Unsuccessful People Who Never Do Anything with Their Lives

20 Things Poor People Waste Money on, According to Suze Orman

money guru Suze Orman
Photo Credit: s_bukley on

If you’ve ever watched her show, you know Suze Orman pulls no punches. She’s all about calling out bad money choices, urging people to take control of their financial destinies and ditch those pesky spending habits that derail progress. While her advice can be blunt, she aims to empower folks to build wealth and protect their financial futures.

It’s important to note, Suze Orman gets flak sometimes for being too harsh. She’s not shaming people, but highlighting how certain expenses can sabotage big goals like homeownership or a comfortable retirement.

20 Things Poor People Waste Money on, According to Suze Orman

12 Culturally Acceptable Habits That Leave Americans Drowning in Debt

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The average American household carries over $103,000 in debt, including mortgages, credit cards, and car loans. While there are various factors that contribute to this staggering number, there are also certain culturally acceptable habits that have played a major role in leaving America drowning in debt.

12 Culturally Acceptable Habits That Leave Americans Drowning in Debt


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