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12 Random Facts the Human Brain Loves to Remember Forever

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Have you found yourself marveling at the peculiar and seemingly pointless facts that stick in your brain like gum to a shoe? It’s amazing what memories and information can be locked in our brains forever.

There are things you’d love to remember and you don’t—like your passwords and where you put that pair of sandals. And then there are things you really don’t care much about, like the song you overheard a child humming and now play on a loop in your brain.

The brain is a powerful tool; here are some rather weird things that it loves remembering.

1. Song Lyrics

Woman listening music with headphones. relax and unwind
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Music is the one thing that gets into our souls without our permission. Songs’ lyrics have a special power to stick in our memories, and our brains can frequently recall the words of songs we haven’t heard in years with startling precision.

Maybe if we turned our lives into a musical, we’d remember all those history and math lessons.

2. Jokes and Humor

funny man with a pretend fake smile mustache
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Who hasn’t caught themselves laughing at a joke they heard a few years ago? Humor is highly subjective, but our brains often have a knack for remembering jokes and funny anecdotes that resonate with us. You may not remember the details of a joke, but the punchline can linger in the minds for years.

3. Embarrassing Moments

disgusted man shocked looking at his phone
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You have been trying to forget the one time you showed up to kindergarten in your undies, but your brain won’t give you that pleasure. Despite our best efforts to forget them, embarrassing moments often stick in our memories like soldered iron.

4. Movie Lines

A man with tickets of a concert or movie tickets
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Everyone has that one movie they can quote from the beginning to credit rolls. Regardless of how long it has been since you’ve watched it, you still quote it like you’re auditioning for the movie. We tend to remember things like this when they impact us somehow.

5. Dreams

Asian Woman Sleeping Lying In Bed At Home Hugging Pillow
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Even though dreams are short and often forgotten, sometimes they linger in our brains long after we wake up. Some dreams may remain in our recollections for days, weeks, or even years, causing us to wonder about their importance and meaning.

6. First Experiences

Casual woman using computer in office
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Whether positive or negative, first experiences stick with us and influence our memory for a long time. It may be our first kiss, first day of school, or first job, the brain doesn’t release these events easily.  

7. A Story We Read

Man lying on the couch and reading a book
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Stories are powerful, but we don’t remember every story we read. Surprisingly, the brain can remember a particular story we read years ago and keep it almost fresh with precise details. Once again, if the book profoundly affected you, you’re more likely to internalize the details in your long-term memory.

8. Useless Trivia

woman at her computer happy thinking journaling
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Some trivial information might never be useful, but the brain cannot let go of it. Our brains seem to have a special affinity for storing trivial information that serves no practical purpose. Whether it’s the lifespan of a fruit fly or the number of dimples on a golf ball, we often recall these odd facts at the oddest of times. A great skill for Jeopardy!

9. Unusual Animal Abilities

animal quokka is smiling and greeting
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From the ability of geckos to change color to a hummingbird’s ability to fly backward, our brains are fascinated by the remarkable skills of animals. These peculiarities frequently remain fascinating facts in our minds.

10. Sense Memories

happy grateful woman outside eyes closed content
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The capacity of our brains to link memories to sensory experiences—like the scent of a certain cuisine or the feel of a familiar texture—is truly amazing. These sensory memories can evoke strong memories of previous experiences or feelings.

11. TV Commercials  

Man in classic grey suit with briefcase outdoors
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There’s that one TV commercial from our childhood that has refused to be erased by time. We can almost quote a catchy (or obnoxious) ad from start to finish, even if we’re likely not to buy the product.  

12. Odd Cultural Practices

Mans wear Odd Cultural dress Buddhist monks in Lao
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People have diverse cultural customs that may appear odd or peculiar to outsiders. These cultural oddities, which range from antiquated rites to contemporary practices that go against accepted standards, can elicit strong memories in our minds. It’s why traveling and experiencing new cultures can greatly affect your views of the world- and your memory.

These seemingly “useless” facts demonstrate the amazing ability of our brains to retain and retrieve a vast array of memories, which influences how we perceive the world.  


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black and white photo vintage kids on a slide
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